With Inproe it is always personal, and you can be certain that our partnership will add value to your search. We have spent many years fostering relationships with professionals on both sides of the role, and have become a trusted ambassador for the best in industry, offering advice, expertise and service way beyond a standard recruitment formula.
We are skilled in developing deep, personalised relationships with both the hard to find and the hard to ignore across the ingredients industry, and love nothing better than to nurture these often slow-burning conversations. We listen to the values, motivations and expectations of the professional, and work hard to build long-lasting reciprocal relationships between candidate and client.
“Neil reveals talent within ambitious but realistic career projections. He is always concerned about providing the best customized services - I strongly recommend him as a valuable asset to develop teams quickly and efficiently.”
Working with employers within the ingredients industry.
Who we work with
We partner with some of the leading global names in ingredients to place experienced professionals, acting as a trusted ambassador throughout the recruitment process. Inproe believes in growing mutually beneficial relationships, and our deep understanding of the client’s needs means we are able to look beyond the confines of a brief and make relevant suggestions outside of the standard expectations. It is this approach that helps us to recruit top talent and make lasting, sometimes unexpected, matches for some of the industry’s leading figures.
We have successfully partnered with clients including Ohly GmbH (ABF Ingredients), Novozymes, Ingredion, AB Mauri, Sensient Technologies, Lallemand Inc., Algaia and AB Agri.
Roles we have filled
CEO: An experienced leadership professional for a multi-national ingredients manufacturer, part of a group with a culture of devolved authority to be responsible for innovations, operations and commercial growth.
Recognising the importance of a character with both gravitas and autonomy we secured the interest of an experienced matrix organisation professional desiring the freedom, visibility and opportunity for impact afforded by a flatter more open culture such as that of our client.
Successfully delivered via Executive Search.
Commercial Leadership: Our client, in addressing growth and succession strategies was keen to identify ‘leaders of tomorrow’.
Along with the HR Director we recognised an opportunity to encourage diversity and creativity through future recruitment and encouraged the client to explore not only direct but indirect competitors and aligned businesses
Successfully delivered via People Intelligence.
Group Fermentation Scientist: A niche requirement with very specific ‘hard to find’ skills. We were challenged to find a creative driver of applications and innovations on a global basis, someone who would be comfortable with high levels of visibility and accountability.
Despite its specialist nature Inproe were able to offer a comparative study by combining industry competitors with consultative and service driven businesses. We added value by recognising the value of candidates also possessing commercial sensibilities in supporting the growth of the business. The successful candidate has gone on to study an MBA as a manager.
Successfully delivered via Executive Search.
New Ventures Mapping: An international agri-food business with a commitment to sustainable growth and development strategies was wishing to broaden its activities through the exploration of new ventures. Consultation revealed that dynamic, entrepreneurial figures with creative interests in new areas of IP and technology were of particular value to the organisation.
To support the client’s interest in innovation a new piece of character-driven industry research was undertaken, with backgrounds varying from start-up through to large scale competitor.
Successfully delivered via Industry Mapping.
What our employers say
“Inproe is a consultancy with a deep knowledge of the food industry. I would recommend Neil to anyone who wants to hire high calibre managers - his expertise, high integrity and out-of-the-box thinking make him a natural business partner and solutions provider in the HR field”.
Jeroen van Overbeek,
Founder Social Impakt
Working with candidates within the ingredients industry.
Who we work with
Nurturing relationships over many years has helped us to place top talent, both those actively searching and often those not even looking to move. Our passion for people and seeing them achieve their potential is what drives Inproe, and we believe in keeping the conversation going throughout the course of someone’s career.
Case studies
a) The growth and development of a company and role
For Inproe, client partnership is a long term investment.
A good example of this is our work to recruit Global Innovations Leadership for a client with a strong, progressive R&D pipeline. As the company has evolved over the last decade so their needs have changed. Initially requiring a focus on effective scientific project management skills, later strategy review and implementation and most recently effective team building and leadership; each phase has demanded a unique character profile.
At each stage there was an opportunity for us to review and revise the role with our client, coincident with their growth, and deliver an effective solution.
b) Making it Personal
We firmly believe recruitment is a transaction between candidate and client.
Having been briefed with a senior leadership role in Germany we recognised that success would involve exploring directly aligned businesses and almost certainly cross border relocation. An individual of particular interest, talented and recognised, happy in their current role, was based in the Netherlands with a key competitor. They’d worked at the same company for 26 years, remained sufficiently challenged and had planned to stay there until retirement. We took time to listen to both the candidate and the client and provided information which helped them to place their trust in us and take a big step in their career. It was important to think not only about the job, but also the private issues to overcome when relocating with a family.
Making it personal ensured that this talented professional did not stick to a NO as they had done with other recruiters before.
What our candidates say
“Neil is one of the few professionals working in executive search whom I trust. He is genuinely interested in people and careers and is therefore of great support when you find yourself in the exciting application process for a new position”.
Rolf Speelman,
Sales Manager Ruminants at Balchem Corporation
“Inproe take the time and effort to listen to their client’s career development needs, rather than trying to ‘sell’ a job regardless of the fit.”